Photo of David Reitter

david reitter

Senior Staff Research Scientist, Google DeepMind, New York City

LinkedIn 1-page Resume CV
Publications Group Alumni and Projects

About me

I study natural language processing. I am interested in generative AI, cognitive science, and building useful ways to make information universally accessible to people.
What has been most important recently: Factuality. How can we make large language models speak the truth? What is acceptable evidence of truth?
I work at Google DeepMind. Prior to that, I led a research group as an Associate Professor at Penn State. I also worked on cognitive models at Carnegie Mellon University. I hold a PhD from the University of Edinburgh. If you'd like to work with me (post-PhD) on NLP and dialogue, please apply to Google DeepMind.
Fun Fact #1: I am a pilot and love airplanes. "Science, freedom, beauty, adventure: what more could you ask of life?"
Fun Fact #2: A long time ago, I worked for a newspaper and then a radio station in Berlin.
Fun Fact #3: I lived in some great cities: Mainz, Berlin, Dublin, Edinburgh, Pittsburgh, New York.



You can reach me at david.reitter at
